Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Avoid from doing evil in deed, word and thought
Yassa kāyena vācāya manasā natthi dukkaṭaṃ saṃvutaṃ tīhi ṭhānehi taṃ ahaṃ brūmi brāhmaṇaṃ. (Dhamma pada. 391)
He who does no evil in deed, word, and thought, who is restrained in these three ways- him do I call a holy man.
This verse says that to observe our deed word and thought in good behavior in day to day life. In short, that means we have to refrain from ten unmeritorious deeds (Dasa Duccarita) like killing, stealing and so on. It is opposites of ten meritorious deeds. I will mention about ten meritorious deeds below. Those ten unmeritorious deeds are also called unwholesome (Akusala) such as lobha(greed), dosa(hatred) and moha(delusion). We have to avoid from the bad things and bad behaviors. When we refrain from the unmeritorious deeds, we can be a good person. How do we observe those things in our daily life? For example, from morning to the bed time for a day, we are able to maintain carefully and nicely our behavior according to these three ways. There are also different behaviors as follows,
a. Kāya= deed
1. Refrain from killing
2. Refrain from stealing
3. Refrain from indulging in ignoble sexual enjoyments
b. Vāca= word
1. Refrain from telling lie
2. Refrain from slandering
3. Refrain from harsh speech
4. Refrain from vain talk
c. Mana = mind, thought
1. Refrain from covetousness
2. Refrain from ill-will
3. Refrain from wrong view
In Abhidhamma term, those ten are called “The Ten meritorious deeds. In this way,
Dhamma article