(Amer) gotten ['gotn] -(v)
1. to receive or obtain:
I got a letter this morning.
2. to bring or buy: ယူလာသည္။ ၀ယ္ယူသည္။
Please get me some food.
ကၽြန္ေတာ့္အတြက္ စားစရာ တစ္ခုခုယူခဲ့ပါ။
3. to (manage to) move, go, take, put etc.
ျပဳသည္။ ျဖစ္ေစသည္။
He couldn't get across the river; သူသည္ ျမစ္ကို ျဖတ္မကူးႏိုင္ပါ။
I got the book down from the shelf.
စာအုပ္ကို စာအုပ္စင္မွ ယူလာသည္။
4. to cause to be in a certain condition etc.
အေျခအေနတစ္ခုသို႕ ေရာက္ေစသည္။
You'll get me into trouble.
မင္းကေတာ့ငါ့ကို ဒုကၡ ေရာက္ေအာင္လုပ္ေတာ့မွာပဲ။
5. to become: ျဖစ္သည္။
You're getting old.
6. to persuade: ေဖ်ာင္းဖ်သည္။ တိုက္တြန္းသည္။
I'll try to get him to go.
သူသြားဖို႕ ကၽြန္ေတာ္သူ႕ကို ေဖ်ာင္းဖ်မယ္။
7. to arrive: ေရာက္လာသည္။
When did they get home?
သူတို႕အိမ္ကို ဘယ္တုန္းက ေရာက္သလဲ။
8. to succeed (in doing) or to happen (to do)
something: ျဖစ္ေျမာက္သည္။ လုပ္ျဖစ္သည္။
I'll soon get to know the neighbours.
မၾကာခင္မွာ အိမ္နီးနားခ်င္းေတြနဲ႕ ရင္းႏွီးသြားပါလိမ့္မယ္။
I got the book read last night.
ညက စာအုပ္ကိုျပီးေအာင္ ဖတ္ျဖစ္ခဲ့တယ္။
9. to catch (a disease etc):
She got measles last week.
သူသည္ လြန္ခဲ့ေသာ အပတ္က ၀က္သက္ေပါက္သည္။
10. to catch (someone): မိသည္။
The police will soon get the thief.
ရဲေတြက သူခိုးကို မၾကာခင္ မိမွာပါ။
11. to understand:
I didn't get the point of his story.
သူ႕ေျပာျပခ်က္ရဲ႕ လိုရင္းကို ကၽြန္ေတာ္သေဘာ မေပါက္မိဘူး။
'getaway (n)
an escape:
The thieves made their getaway in a
stolen car.
သူခိုးမ်ားသည္ ခုိုးရာပါကားျဖင့္ ထြက္ေျပးလြတ္ေျမာက္သြားၾကသည္။
(also adj) a getaway car.
ထြက္ေျပးရာတြင္ သံုးေသာကား။
'get-together (n)
an informal meeting. မိတ္ဆံုပြဲ။
'get-up (n)
clothes, usu odd or unattractive:
ပံုပ်က္ပန္းပ်က္ အ၀တ္အစား။
She wore a very strange get-up
at the party.
သူသည္ ပါတီပြဲကို ပံုပ်က္ပန္းပ်က္ ၀တ္လာသည္။
be getting on for to be close to
(a particular age, time etc):
(သက္တမ္းတစ္ခု၊အခ်ိန္တစ္ခ်ိန္ စသည္သုိ႕ နီးလာသည္။
He must be getting on for sixty at least.
သူေတာ့ အနည္းဆံုး အသက္ ၆၀ နားနီးျပီျဖစ္ရမယ္။
get about
1. (of stories, rumours etc) to become
well known: သတင္းထြက္သည္။
I don't know how the story got about that
she was leaving.
သူအလုပ္ထြက္ ေတာ့မယ္ဆိုတဲ့ သတင္း ဘယ္လိုမ်ား ျပန္႕သြားလဲ မသိဘူး။
2. to be able to move or travel about,
often of people who have been ill:
She didn't get about much after
her operation.
ခြဲစိတ္ကုသခံျပီးတဲ့ေနာက္ သိပ္ထူထူ ေထာင္ေထာင္ မရွိေသးဘူး။
get across to be or make (something)
understood: နားလည္ေစသည္။
This is something which rarely gets
across to the general public.
ဒီကိစၥကေတာ့ အမ်ားျပည္သူ နားလည္ဖို႕ခက္တဲ့ အခ်က္ပဲ။
get after to follow: လို္က္လာသည္။
If you want to catch him, you had
better get after him at once. သူ႕ကို မီေအာင္ ခုခ်က္ခ်င္း လိုက္မွ ျဖစ္မယ္။
get ahead to make progress; to be
တိုးတက္ေအာင္လုပ္သည္။ ေအာင္ျမင္သည္။
If you want to get ahead, you must
work hard. ေအာင္ျမင္ခ်င္ရင္ အလုပ္ၾကိဳးစားဖို႕လိုတယ္။
get along (often with with) to be
friendly or on good terms
(with someone):
သင့္ျမတ္သည္။ အဆင္ေျပသည္။
I get along very well with him;
ကၽြန္ေတာ္သူႏွင့္ အလြန္ ပလဲနံပသင့္သည္။
The children just cannot get along
together. ကေလးေတြ အခ်င္းခ်င္းမတည့္ၾကပါ။
get around
1. (of stories, rumours etc) of become
well known: သတင္းျပန္႕သည္။
I don't know how the story got around
that she was getting married.
သူ လက္ထပ္ေတာ့မယ္ဆိုတဲ့ သတင္းဟာဘယ္လို ျပန္႕သြား သလဲ မသိဘူး။
2. (of people) to be active or involved
in many activities: ႏွံ႕စပ္သည္။
He really gets around, doesn't he!
သူေတာ္ေတာ္ႏွံ႕စပ္တယ္ မဟုတ္လား။
get around to see get round to.
get at
1. to reach ( a place, thing etc):
ေပါက္သည္။ ေရာက္သည္။
The farm is very difficult to get at.
ဒီယာေတာထဲကို ေရာက္ဖို႕မလြယ္ဘူး။
2. to suggest or imply (something):
What are you getting at?
3. to point out (a person's faults) or make fun
of (a person):
He's always getting at me.
သူကၽြန္ေတာ့္ကို အျမဲတမ္း ခလုတ္တိုက္ေနတယ္။
get away
1. to (be able to )leave:
I usually get away (from the office)
at four-thirty.
(႐ံုးမွ) ကၽြန္ေတာ္ေလးနာရီခြဲ ဆင္းေလ့ရွိသည္။
2. to escape:
The thieves got away in a stolen car.
သူခိုးမ်ားသည္ ခိုးရာပါကားျဖင့္ ထြက္ေျပးသြားၾကသည္။
get away with to do (something bad)
without being punished for it:
(ျပစ္ဒဏ္မွ) လြတ္ေအာင္ တိမ္းေရွာင္ႏိုင္သည္။
Murder is a serious crime and one
rarely get away with it.
လူသတ္မႈဆိုတာျပစ္မႈၾကီး ျဖစ္လို႕ မေပၚဘဲေတာ့အေနဘူး။
get back
1. to move away:
The policeman told the crowd to
get back. ရဲက လူအုပ္ၾကီးကို ဆုတ္ခိုင္းသည္။
2. to retrieve: ျပန္ရသည္။
She eventually got back the book
she had lent him.
သူငွားသြားေသာ စာအုပ္ကို ေနာက္ဆံုးတြင္ မိန္းကေလးက ျပန္ရသည္။
get by to manage: ဖူလုံသည္။
I can't get by on such a small salary.
ဒီေလာက္လစာ နည္းနည္းနဲ႕ ငါဘယ္လိုလုပ္ေလာက္မွာလဲ။
get down to make (a person) sad:
၀မ္းနည္းေစသည္။ စိတ္လက္ မခ်မ္းမသာျဖစ္သည္။
Working in this place really gets me down.
ဒီမွာအလုပ္လုပ္ရတာတကယ္ စိတ္မခ်မ္းသာဘူး။
get down to to begin to work (hard) at:
စ၍ ေဇာက္ခ်လုပ္သည္။
I must get down to work tonight,
as the exams start next week.
ေနာက္တစ္ပတ္မွာ စာေမးပဲြ ဆိုေတာ့၊ ဒီညကစျပီး ေဇာက္ခ် စာက်က္ထားရမယ္။
get in to send for (a person)
The television is broken - we'll need
to get a man in to repair it.
႐ုပ္ျမင္သံၾကားစက္ပ်က္ေနတယ္။ ျပင္ဖို႕ လူတစ္ေယာက္သြားေခၚဖို႕လိုတယ္။
get into
1. to put on (clothes etc):
Get into your pyjamas.
2. to begin to be in a particular state or
behave in a particular way:
ျပဳမႈသည္။ ျဖစ္သည္။
He got into a temper.
3. to affect strangely:
ထူးထူးျခားျခား ျပဳမူေအာင္ ဖန္တီးသည္။
I don't know what has got into
him (=I don't know why he
is behaving the way he is).
get now here to make no progress:
You'll get nowhere if you follow his
သူေျပာတဲ့အတိုင္း လုပ္ရင္ေတာ့ မင္းဘာမွၽျဖစ္လာမွာမဟုတ္ဘူး။
get off
1. to take off or remove (clothes, marks etc):
I can't get my boots off:
ကၽြန္ေတာ့္ဖိနပ္ခၽြတ္၍ မရပါ။
I'll never get these stains off (my dress).
ဒီအစြန္းေတြကို ဘယ္လိုမွ ခၽြတ္ရမွာမဟုတ္ဘူး။
2. to change (the subject which one is talking,
writing etc about):
ေခ်ာ္ေတာေငါ့သည္။ သေ၀ထိုးသည္။
We've rather got off the subject.
တို႕ေျပာေနတဲ့ အေၾကာင္းကေန ေခ်ာ္ေတာေငါ့သြားျပီ။
get on
1. to make progress or be successful:
How are you getting on in your new job?
ခုအလုပ္မွာ အဆင္ေျပရဲ့လား။
2. to work, live etc in a friendly way:
We get on very well together:
ကၽြန္ေတာ္တို႕အခ်င္းခ်င္း အလြန္သင့္ၾကပါတယ္။
I get on well with him.
3. to grow old:
Our doctor is getting on a bit now.
ကၽြန္ေတာ္တို႕ဆရာ၀န္ အခု ေတာ္ေတာ္အိုသြားျပီ။
4. to put (clothes etc) on:
Go and get your coat on.
5. to continue doing something:
I must get on with my work.
ကၽြန္ေတာ္ လုပ္ငန္းထဲ ျပန္၀င္ရမယ္။
get on at to criticize (a person)
continually or frequently:
My wife is always getting on at me.
မိန္းမက ငါ့ကိုပဲ တစ္ခ်ိန္လံုး ခလုတ္တိုက္ေနတာပဲ။
get out
1. to leave or escape:
No-one knows how the lion got out.
ျခေသၤ့မည္သို႕ လြတ္ထြက္ သြားသည္ကို မည္သူမွၽမသိပါ။
2. (of information) to become known:
(သတင္း) ျပန္႕သည္။
I've no idea how word got out
that you were leaving.
ခင္ဗ်ားအလုပ္ထြက္ေတာ့မယ္ ဆိုတဲ့သတင္း ဘယ္လိုလုပ္ျပန္႕ သြားသလဲ မသိဘူး။
get out of to (help a person etc to)
avoid doing something:
I wonder how I can get out
of washing the dishes.
ပန္းကန္ေဆးတဲ့အလုပ္ကို ဘယ္လိုလုပ္ ေရွာင္ရမလဲလို႕ ငါစဥ္းစားေနတယ္။
How can I get him out of
going to the party? သူဧည့္ခံပြဲမသြားျဖစ္ေအာင္ ငါဘယ္လိုလုပ္ရပါ့မလဲ။
get over
1. to recover from (an illness, surprise,
disappointment etc):
I've got over my cold now:
ကၽြန္ေတာ္အေအးမိတာ အခုေကာင္းသြားျပီ။
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